Hey, I'm Taylor
I'm a software engineer from California.
I build web apps.
I noticed you don't have JavaScript enabled…
Sure enough, this website works without it. I'm a total fan of - all - of - these - people - but I think there exists a happy medium. Chances are you didn't come here without visiting the JavaScript console.
I drink rocket fuel
I'm a straight-up JavaScript powerhouse. I've also spent years in agile development across many teams. I know how to estimate my throughput to deliver above and beyond what is expected. Point me at feature gaps if you want to fill them. Point me at a problem areas to make them go away.
I take ownership
When a project is handed to me it becomes my baby. I'm proud of my work and do my best to encourage the same from my colleagues.
I look into the future
The JavaScript community moves fast. Real fast. That's why it's important for me to be a part of it. I'm always adding new skills to my tool belt.
I test all the things
Meaningful test coverage is crucial to ensure code does what you think it does. I create small, dedicated modules that are perfect for testing in isolation, or mocking for other modules. I understand how to test.
I modularize and optimize
The first step to optimizing a process is to define the moving parts. I've had to deal with enormous projects in my profession. The best projects to work on have clearly defined architectures, where each piece plays a clearly defined role. When things don't make sense, I communicate with colleagues until we build a roadmap to fix it.
I designed this website
My greatest weakness as a web developer is design, but I love art. I build corporate apps, but I like building stuff like this. All of the images were designed as SVGs. That means each one is perfectly crisp down to the half-pixel on your retina device. Email me or visit this project if you have any suggestions.
I understand responsive design
This website is responsive. I'm guessing it works on your device right now. You already noticed the crispy vector art. Even if you turn off JavaScript this website will still work. I'm all about making content available to users so I research the best, light-weight methods of presentation. I've been employing flexbox
with @media
query layouts for years.
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